If you know how, the medallions can be joined together as you crochet that last row so there's no putting it all together when your done. The medallions are round but when putting them together in the last row, think of them as having four sides and you'll do fine. They're attached in two places on each side. Remember, think in terms of it being square. And then, the spaces in between the large medallions are small medallions that aren't sewn in either but you pick up stitches from each medallion around; again in two places. Really neat. Not super warm but looks wonderful on a sofa or chair!
I don't remember, I'm terribly sorry, where this particular pattern came from. I'm pretty sure it was an Annie's Attic pattern from years ago. Remember the little pattern magazine/book? There's one from Annie's Attic on their web sie but it's not free.
I edged as much as I could with black. The black gives it more of a stained glass look. And the Annie's Attic pattern doesn't put the small medallions in between. Here's the free pattern: Freepatterns.com What you have to do is click on the "link", then click on "crochet", "Afghans & Throws", "Traditional Patterns & Techniques" and you'll find the pattern in the top row far right called Arabesque Afghan.

If you have any questions, let me know. It's a fun project and can almost be done with no pattern. I want to show you that you CAN create beautiful projects with acrylic yarns and you don't have to use the expensive brands. Anyway, just think of open work medallions instead of squares and you'll get that wonderful lace shawl look. Pretty, huh? Just think of the possibilities.
That brings me to another idea. When you see a pattern you love and just have to make, look closely to see just what it is about the pattern you love. If it's definitely the color, then make sure you use that color and you'll love your finished project. Most of the time we love something for it's color more than the style. Color can create a feeling, too.
Remember to leave a comment, pass my blog on to your friends, and become my follower! I also have a survey in the top right corner. Please take time to answer the few questions. I'll know what type of patterns to highlight on my blog if I know what your favorite yarns are. Thanks.
Enjoy !!
Analog Buttons - Your source for the lowest price on custom 1" buttons said...
I have been looking for the easiest of easy patterns for a woobie and this one looks really cute but very hard. I am a lefty that doesnt have much time with my business taking out from under me. Is this an easy one to start and stop if I need to?
Sorry for all the questions :)
March 12, 2009 3:48 PM
Artsand Crafts dot COM said...
I'm not sure what a woobie is. I'm thinking an afghan or laprobe type blanket? This one certainly is a "take-with-you" type project until it get huge that is. But if you know how to make a medallion, you've got it made! Do you have any help there?
Thank you for commenting and joing my followers. Kathy
March 12, 2009 5:24 PM
Analog Buttons - Your source for the lowest price on custom 1" buttons said...
Sorry about that woobie is like a afgan. I don't have any help here where I am. We have just moved back to Oklahoma from Hawaii. I'll watch some you tube and see what I can find.
I miss Seattle. I lived in West Seattle for some time.
Tiff :)
March 13, 2009 11:31 AM
Arts and Crafts dot COM said...
Tiff, I'm not sure I could help you via internet with something like the medallion afghan but you could always make block or squares instead and then sew them together.
I have been wanting to change my blog URL and name and think I should do it asap before I wait too long. What do you think? I know people do it all the time. Thanks for your help. You could email me if you'd like.
March 13, 2009 2:30 PM
I have been looking for the easiest of easy patterns for a woobie and this one looks really cute but very hard. I am a lefty that doesnt have much time with my business taking out from under me. Is this an easy one to start and stop if I need to?
Sorry for all the questions :)
I'm not sure what a woobie is. I'm thinking an afghan or laprobe type blanket? This one certainly is a "take-with-you" type project until it get huge that is. But if you know how to make a medallion, you've got it made! Do you have any help there?
Thank you for commenting and joing my followers. Kathy
Sorry about that woobie is like a afgan. I don't have any help here where I am. We have just moved back to Oklahoma from Hawaii. I'll watch some you tube and see what I can find.
I miss Seattle. I lived in West Seattle for some time.
Tiff :)
Tiff, I'm not sure I could help you via internet with something like the medallion afghan but you could always make block or squares instead and then sew them together.
I have been wanting to change my blog URL and name and think I should do it asap before I wait too long. What do you think? I know people do it all the time. Thanks for your help. You could email me if you'd like.
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