Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chain Stitch for Crochet Afghans

Hobbies: There is a World Beyond the Chain Stitch for Crochet Afghans

(Wed Dec 31st, 2008, by Jack Logan)

True crafters get bored with what they know so they try new things that brings us new patterns and peaks our creativity. We learn so much from crocheters who “try new things” or see if “they can copy” that pattern we get new ideas for our own projects.

The chain stitch is the most basic stitch in crocheting. But a combination or variation of this basic stitch can turn into some fabulous designs. So it heeds us to take stock and learn new stitches so we can create our own masterpieces.

Advanced stitches are what teachers of crochet call, well, advanced stitches. But actually they’re just a combination of the basic chain stitch. Its how you use them and in what order you use them that makes them advanced.

If you’re following a pattern just keep following until you get it down but if you’re creating you own stitch, now that’s a little harder. I found when I create my own designs or new stitches if I have a video camera over my shoulder I can see where I made any mistakes or see how I created the stitch—in case I don’t remember.

Everybody, even beginners can make their own stitches or own designs. What one person considers advanced may be the beginnings for another. So don’t be scared of trying new stitches or designs.>BR>

Some other stitches that can be made into other (advanced) stitches are the double treble, hairpin lace, crochet cables, filet crochet, afghan stitch, bullion bauble stitch and the tulip. Scary, isn’t it? But don’t worry they’re all combinations of the basic stitch. And if you can do the basic stitch you can do the advanced stitches.

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